Short term vehicle insurance for a week or auto insurance for 7 days offers coverage for a vehicle for a certain period of time. Though it entirely depends on the insurer, which vehicles will get the coverage, but generally, this type of coverage is available for motor vans, cars, motorbikes and in some cases, motor homes.
There are actually a number of situations, where 7 days car insurance can be really handy. Here are some of the situations:
- Borrowing or hiring vehicles
- Delivering or collecting vehicles
- Test driving vehicles
- Driving vehicles just bought off the dealership forecourt
- Sharing long drives with family members or friends
- Driving the courtesy vehicles of the dealers while your vehicle is getting repaired or serviced
- Using sports or classic vehicles as the second vehicle, which you drive rarely
- If you are in search of an alternative vehicle for an emergency situation
- A young driver who rarely uses the vehicle of some family member
Besides, the cost and convenience of this type of insurance coverage can be cheaper than making change to any existing vehicle insurance policy and even in case the vehicle owner needs to make a claim, this will not affect the existing no claims bonus.
In some cases, the temporary auto insurance coverage like as the one day insurance for car also offers the option to add some additional coverage for an additional charge. But it is necessary to keep in mind that this type of insurance may offer the least amount of coverage.
Now let’s have a look how this type of insurance policy works:
This type of coverage is mainly comprehensive, but there are also fire, theft and third party options available. This type of coverage can be extended maximum up to 28 days. It is also possible to take out this type of policy alongside the annual vehicle insurance policy if required, for instance, in case you own another vehicle that you drive occasionally, you can choose to buy this policy. To get more information about getting your first car insurance or a one day car insurance USA, you can consider visiting